This website offers concepts and materials for educational activities to trainers, multipliers, and teachers on the topic of values. The aim is to enable and promote an open debate on this sensitive issue, and particularly on its European dimension. Please read more about the project’s underlying didactic principles, recommendations, and best practices in the position paper.
Position Paper
TEVIP's target group are multipliers working with young people (aged under 25) who have had no or only little contact with Europe-related topics before. Most activities have been developed for use in non-formal education but may also be used by teachers in formal education. They can also be used by international youth groups at European youth events, camps etc.

All TEVIP educational activities follow the approach of interactive learning and focus on the participants’ experiences and opinions. TEVIP activities can be used stand-alone (e. g. in one lesson at school) or they can be modularly combined to a comprehensive workshop. The manual provides step-by-step instructions and workshop examples.
Educational Activities
Basic idea
The activities use methodologies and approaches that derive from non-formal and experiential learning. They deal with the following topics: (I) Values and me – starting the debate from participants’ own value concepts; (II) Values and Europe – referring to the political dimension of values in a European and EU context; (III) Translating European values into practice – reflecting European values back to the participants’ private lives.

The TEVIP collection of activities includes several simulation games which can be helpful to address value conflicts based on concrete situations from everyday life and recent politics. Participants consider different perspectives by taking over the roles of relevant stakeholders.
Simulation Games
Interactive methods are usually perceived as requiring a lot of resources, e. g. numerous rooms for group work, a bunch of materials and at best a whole group of facilitators. However, available resources often do not meet these conditions. Thus trainers and teachers hesitate to use interactive methods in the first place. Our large group methods can be implemented with more than 50 participants working in one room with only one or two facilitators.

TEVIP offers a wide range of activities for introduction, sensitisation, knowledge acquisition, evaluation and feedback that can be modularly combined. This approach provides flexibility to trainers, teachers and organisers. The TEVIP manual includes an exemplary concept for a workshop lasting several days.
Manual and Handouts
The manual enables teachers and trainers to use TEVIP activities. For this, it includes explanatory notes on the TEVIP project, methodology and educational concept as well as step-by-step instructions how to use TEVIP activities. Every single method is explained in a detailed way. The manual also illustrates how to combine a set of methods for different target groups in order to design a consistent workshop on European values.

Some activities require handouts. In this section you will find all handouts mentioned in the manual, packed in one folder to be downloaded and ready to be printed. The name of the file for the respective activity is “[name of activity]_handout”.
Training of trainers
The training of trainers’ concept is a tool for multipliers to inform and train their colleagues, associates, and members of their networks. With this module, multipliers are enabled to conduct extensive in-house trainings or concise workshops on TEVIP methods, e. g. at regular staff meetings.
Training concept

tevip retrospective
The Project
“Translating European values into practice (TEVIP)” has been a strategic partnership in the Erasmus+ programme and lasted from September 2017 until August 2020. The genesis of the project was embedded in current didactic discourses on values in education, resp. education on values. With the TEVIP position paper the partnership aimed at contributing itself to the current debate on values. To ensure direct applicability for practitioners, the process was accompanied by two international youth mobilities, multiple local tests with youth groups and constant consultations with teachers, trainers, and youth workers.

TEVIP Consortium
planpolitik GbR
Charlotte Wiesenthal
Friedelstrasse 16
12047 Berlin
Contact People
planpolitik Gbr
Charlotte Wiesenthal
Phone: (+49) 30 6823 5110
Mail: europa@planpolitik.de
DARE Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe
Ramón Martinez
Mail: office@dare-network.eu
The project “Translating European values into practice (TEVIP) has been funded with support from the EU-ERASMUS+ programme |2017-1-DE04-KA205-015011|. This website and its publications reflect the views of the authors only and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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